A five-day course on how to become more effective as a group member and leader.

UGL is the most renowned leadership training program in Scandinavia, established in 1981 by the Swedish Armed Forces.

In the UGL program, participants will through their own experience learn about group dynamics and understand their own roles in a working group environment. The course is centered around feedback, understanding conflict, values, group development and different leadership styles.

UGL deals with how a group develops and matures, what happens in the group during the course of development and what promotes or hinders positive development. This is what is known as group dynamics. The course also deals with the opportunities and problems of leadership in relation to development of the group’s maturity.

The overall aim of the course is to make participants more effective as leaders and/or as members of a working group. Through experienced based learning and reflections, a greater understanding is reached for how group development is affected by leadership and behaviors, needs, or emotions of group members.

What you will learn

  • Increase your effectiveness as a leader and your self-awareness

  • Group dynamics and development

  • Conflict resolution, feed-back and effective communication


METHODS and pedagogics

The pedagogical approach of the UGL course is based on “Experiential Learning”, which means that UGL allows the participants themselves to experience situations that reflect group dynamics and to understand their own roles in this group environment.

The course format is an intense five-day residential course (Monday-Friday).
UGL courses starts on Monday morning and ends on Friday afternoon.

UGL is a demanding course and we assume that all participants are in psychological balance and willing to put in the efforts that the course requires.

The number of participants is limited to 12, with two facilitators.


Course objectives

The objective of the course is to enhance participants’ abilities to:

  • work with reflection and learning both individually and as part of a group,

  • understand and deal with conflicts,

  • communicate directly and clearly,

  • understand the effects of feelings on individuals and at a group level,

  • give and take effective feedback,

  • understand how values affect relationships and leadership,

  • identify different stages in the development of a group, understand your own attitude related to that understanding, and that different leadership styles are needed.

Working methods and content

The pedagogical approach of the UGL course is based on “Experiential Learning”, which means that UGL allows the participants themselves to experience situations that reflect group dynamics and to understand their own roles in this group environment.

The course format is an intense five-day residential course (Monday-Friday). UGL starts Mondays at 10.30 a.m. and ends Fridays at 3.00 p.m. UGL is a demanding course and we assume that all participants are in psychological balance and willing to put in the efforts that the course requires. The number of participants is limited to 12, with two facilitators.

Course venue

The courses during the year are held at different venues around the country.
Contact us and our partner here http://www.vitalkompetens.se/uglpaosterlen for registration and more information.




5 day residential leadership course
32.800 SEK (ex VAT).